
Yearning for Visions – Hallucination Expressionists – From Kaita Murayama and Shoji Sekine to Present Times

2023.8.26 (Sat)-2023.10.15(Sun)

Yearning for Visions – Hallucination Expressionists – From Kaita Murayama and Shoji Sekine to Present Times

“Yearning for visions” is how we have tentatively described the feelings of those who are motivated to create by a sensation that “something” is approaching from somewhere beyond human knowledge or by a spiritual experience. In this exhibition, by focusing on those who single-mindedly depict God, those who pictorialize a hallucination, and those who attempt to express invisible “light” in color and reexamining benchmarks befitting each work, i.e., “spiritual yardsticks,” we hope to rediscover and reappreciate the tremendous potential such works possess.


Admission Fee
Individual Group
Adults ¥1,000 ¥800
Senior(65+) ¥700 ¥500
University and College Students ¥500 ¥300
High School Students and younger Free Free
Advance Purchase (P code 686-435/L code 86704) ¥700
*Group rates apply to groups of 15 or more.
*Advance tickets on sale at Ticket PIA and Lawson.